
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

ClickBait from Beyond the Grave: DARK SHADOWS Edition

When your website is anchored by a television show that was cancelled more than 40 years ago, the concept of a "slow news day" takes on a very special meaning. While I'm expecting two more podcasts (?!) to drop this week, there's not a lot happening today. So have some clickbait.

UPDATE: I didn't think anyone would think this was especially funny, so I half-assed the design of this features. Here's a better looking version (imo) of the same content. Click on the images to see larger versions!


  1. Vicky Winters - You don't understand.

  2. correction: Carolyn Stoddard also LMAO at Sky

  3. hilarious. But what if Maggie's my favorite?
    Can't say nothing mean about Maggie? I guess she's everybody's favorite.

  4. This literally made me laugh out loud!

  5. Very clever piece of satire about our favorite residents of a small Maine fishing village. It is obvious that this is poking fun at some of our faves and it is done with love.

  6. Some characters who might be good "targets" for a second edition. My top five would be Elliot Stokes, Nicholas Blair, Joe Haskell, Jeb Hawkes, and, last but NEVER least, HARRY JOHNSON!! LOL

  7. I couldn't think of any jokes about Maggie that didn't come across as mean.

  8. Nice eye. I made the correction ... thanks!

  9. Kudos for Willie not getting "Blackadder" - he's certainly a Baldrick to Barnabas! Or almost a "Pinky" to Barnabas as "The Brain."

  10. You can start with her taste in quilted pants and go to her inability to make good coffee. And then, there is her taste in boyfriends (a man stolen is always sexier!)


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