
Thursday, May 14, 2015


Like many of you, I can't get the Decades network in my part of the country. The channel is in the middle of a slow roll-out, building up to its formal launch on May 25. At the moment, a campaign they're calling "The Binge" is taking place: marathon blocks of programming featuring classic television shows like THE TWILIGHT ZONE, THE FUGITIVE and — as I write this — DARK SHADOWS. (Note: You can learn more about Decades and the DARK SHADOWS marathon HERE.)

I've enjoyed watching DS fan Gene Caruso blog about the marathon over at the Facebook fanpage "Dark Shadows Lives." That image you see at the bottom of this post is courtesy of Gene, whose been connecting those of us in off-brand markets with this weekend's event. Even though I haven't been able to watch The Binge, I decided to visit the Decades official Facebook page and thank them for their efforts.

Much to my surprise, the site was already mobbed with DARK SHADOWS fans by the time I got there.

Despite the fledgling page's modest audience (576  followers as of this morning) their most recent post had already received dozens of comments ... almost all of them related to DARK SHADOWS.

Decades has no plans to air the show after The Binge, which is probably because of its unusual broadcast strategy. It was mentioned on their Facebook page today, though, that The Binge concept will move to weekends after the formal launch. It's possible we'll see more DARK SHADOWS as part of Decades' weekend programming.

If that's something you'd like to see, I suggest you head over to the Decades' Facebook page and let them know. You can find it HERE.

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